AWS RDS Database Right Sizing - Workload & Instance Type relationships

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AWS RDS Database Right Sizing - Workload & Instance Type relationships

Right-sizing can be utilized to improve performance or reduce costs in an organization. It's essential to understand the performance versus cost requirements of the organization. Overprovisioning may not always improve performance, but it will undoubtedly increase costs. Analyzing usage patterns, including steady, predictable, or bursty, is critical to identifying the appropriate workload.

Right-sizing is a continuous process that needs to evolve as application workloads change. This may involve

  • updating the application architecture,

  • modifying workload patterns,

  • upgrading the database version, or

  • implementing a new generation of instance type and family.

The frequency of updates depends on the type of architecture, business needs, and team requirements.

When right-sizing based on instance size, it's crucial to look for an appropriate instance type that matches the workload.

  • For burstable workloads, the general-purpose instance type, such as T3, is suitable, while fixed workloads require the M series (4, 5, 6g).

  • For memory-optimized workloads, the R series (4, 5, 6g) and X series (1, 1e, 1d) are the best options. Similarly,

  • For network-optimized and CPU-optimized workloads, the suitable instance type should be selected.

Right-sizing with a better architecture involves optimizing SQL queries, schema, indexing, triggers, connection management, read-write strategy, and database monitoring and alerting. Additionally, implementing multi-AZ failover can improve database reliability and ensure high availability.

Overall, right-sizing is an ongoing process that requires constant evaluation and adjustments to ensure that applications meet their performance and cost goals.